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Guidelines for Food Safety Compliance in Restaurants and Bars

Personal Hygiene and Compliance

As a worker in a restaurant, bar, or any food environment, it's essential to comply with food safety regulations:

  • Personal Hygiene: Ensure perfect personal hygiene by washing hands thoroughly, using proper detergent, and keeping clothes clean.
  • Cleanliness: Keep all areas free from rubbish, ensuring it is disposed of in correct containers and emptied regularly.
  • Glassware and Equipment: Ensure glasses, cups, and all equipment like coffee-makers and beer dispensers are cleaned thoroughly.

Using Dishwashers

Follow these guidelines when using dishwashers for glasses and cups:

  • Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for dishwasher cycles: typically 60°C wash and 82-88°C rinse to kill bacteria.
  • Use correct chemicals as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure effective cleaning.

Bar Environment

Maintain cleanliness and safety in a bar environment:

  • Keep everything tidy and organized, ensuring no bottles or glasses are left lying around.
  • Immediately clean up broken glass to prevent injury or contamination of food and drinks.

If unsure about any task, always seek guidance from your manager to ensure compliance with food safety standards.