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Risks of Chemicals and Foreign Objects in Food Safety

Chemical Contamination

Chemicals cause less than 1% of food poisoning incidents in the UK. They can accidentally contaminate food through:

  • Wiping preparation surfaces with cleaning agents before food preparation.
  • Leaving chemicals or detergents on chopping boards.
  • Drugs used in animal or vegetable production entering the food chain.

Chemical contamination can also trigger serious allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

Foreign Objects in Food

Foreign objects, such as nails, jewellery, hair, or metal pieces, occasionally enter food during production, posing risks such as choking or injury.

Risks and Prevention Measures

Prevent foreign objects from entering food through:

  • Implementing x-ray and metal detection systems in production.
  • Using filtration and visual inspection techniques.
  • Ensuring good housekeeping practices and personal hygiene.
  • Correctly using personal protective equipment.

These measures are crucial for maintaining food safety standards and preventing incidents related to foreign objects.

For more information on food safety practices and prevention, consult the relevant guidelines from food safety authorities.