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Bacterial Growth and Food Safety

Optimal Conditions for Bacterial Growth

Bacteria thrive under certain conditions, understanding these helps in controlling their growth:

  • Temperature: Bacteria grow best between 20-50 degrees Celsius, with an ideal temperature around 37 degrees Celsius (body temperature).
  • Control Methods: Refrigeration (1-4 degrees Celsius) and freezing (-18 degrees Celsius) inhibit bacterial growth. Proper heating (above 75 degrees Celsius core temperature) kills bacteria, but some spores may survive.
  • Moisture: Bacteria require moisture to survive; drying food effectively reduces bacterial growth.
  • Preservation: Foods in the danger zone can be preserved using acids, alkaline solutions, sugar, or salt (brine).

High-Risk Foods

Certain foods are more prone to bacterial contamination:

  • Cooked Meats
  • Cooked Poultry
  • Pates, Gravy, Soups, Stews
  • Dairy Products (Milk, Cream, Custard, Soft Cheeses)
  • Eggs and Egg Products
  • Shellfish (Oysters, Crabs, Prawns)

These foods are high-risk and outbreaks of food poisoning often involve them.

Handling Ready-to-Eat Foods

Ready-to-eat foods like fruits and vegetables can harbour bacteria and viruses:

  • Viruses can cause illness even in small doses.
  • Thorough washing, proper storage, and correct temperature control are essential for these foods.

Maintaining hygiene standards and proper food handling practices are critical in preventing foodborne illnesses.