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Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System in Food Safety

Introduction to HACCP System

The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is widely recognised as the gold standard for food safety management.

Principles of HACCP

  1. Hazard Analysis: Identify hazards that must be prevented, eliminated, or reduced.
  2. Critical Control Points (CCPs): Determine points where control is essential.
  3. Critical Limits: Establish limits for each CCP.
  4. Monitoring Procedures: Develop procedures to monitor CCPs.
  5. Corrective Actions: Establish actions to take if a CCP is not under control.
  6. Verification: Develop procedures to verify the effectiveness of HACCP.
  7. Documentation: Establish and maintain records to demonstrate HACCP application.

Implementation of HACCP

The HACCP approach involves four key steps: Plan, Do, Check, and Act.

  • Plan: Establish food safety procedures and document them.
  • Do: Implement planned procedures to ensure food safety.
  • Check: Monitor adherence to procedures and document checks.
  • Act: Take corrective actions when deviations occur and review effectiveness.

Legal Requirements for Food Safety Management

Food businesses are legally required to implement and maintain a documented food safety management system based on HACCP principles.

Regulatory Compliance

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 mandates food businesses to implement a food safety management system.

  • All food businesses must maintain cleanliness and disinfection, ensure premises layout protects food from contamination, and supervise and train food handlers.
  • Documentation requirements vary based on business size and type, providing flexibility while ensuring compliance.
  • HACCP ensures comprehensive assessment of hazards (chemical, physical, biological) from farm to fork, mitigating risks to food safety.
  • Legal requirements include maintaining records to demonstrate effective food safety management.

Understanding and implementing HACCP is crucial for food businesses to ensure compliance with food safety laws and protect public health.