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Before diving into the course, let's explore the structured categories and content covered:
Learn about relevant laws, regulations, environmental health officers, food handling training, and food hygiene ratings.
Explore topics including food poisoning, allergic reactions, types of infections, controlling E. Coli and Listeria, and methods for keeping food safe.
Understand strategies to prevent food contamination, guidelines for wearing jewellery in food production areas, effective cleaning practices, pest control, hot food storage, fly management, and responsibilities of restaurant workers.
Focus on maintaining personal hygiene, including proper handwashing techniques, use of protective clothing in food production settings, and individual responsibilities at work.
Discuss dietary requirements, principles of refrigeration, freezing and heating of foods, precautions with eggs, and regulations for maintaining safe water supplies.
Learn about handling food complaints, the purpose and role of food inspection visits, requirements for registering a food business, and procedures for appealing against regulatory decisions.
Start your food safety training journey with comprehensive coverage of essential topics. Contact us for more information or to begin your course.