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Guidelines for Storing Food in the Refrigerator

Importance of Refrigeration

Refrigeration helps prevent harmful bacteria from growing on perishable foods:

  • Foods that need chilling include milk, meat, ready meals, desserts, items with a 'use by' date, and those labeled 'keep refrigerated'.

Temperature Control and Bacterial Growth

Proper temperature control is crucial to prevent bacterial multiplication:

  • Keep fridge temperature below 5°C (ideally 1 to 4°C) using a fridge thermometer.
  • Regularly clean both the inside and outside of the fridge.
  • Ensure all foods are wrapped or in covered containers before storing.
  • Store leftovers in covered containers and consume within 2-3 days.
  • Allow hot food to cool before placing it in the fridge.
  • Avoid overloading the fridge to maintain proper air circulation.
  • Leave space in the fridge for perishable foods to prevent overcrowding.

Safe Storage Practices

Follow these practices to prevent cross-contamination and ensure food safety:

  • Store raw meat, poultry, and fish in sealed containers on the bottom shelf to prevent dripping onto other foods.
  • Keep ready-to-eat foods like dairy products and cooked meats covered on shelves above raw meats.
  • When defrosting, place raw meat/poultry in a covered container on the bottom shelf or use a microwave on the 'defrost' setting to avoid spreading germs.

Freezing and Batch Cooking

Efficient freezing and defrosting practices for batch-cooked foods:

  • Cool cooked food quickly (within 1-2 hours) and freeze in serving-sized portions at -18°C or below.
  • Date code portions to track storage times; generally, freezer star ratings indicate safe storage durations (* 1 week, ** 1 month, *** 3 months, **** 3 months or longer).
  • Thoroughly defrost frozen foods before cooking; defrost in the fridge or using the microwave 'defrost' setting.