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Appealing Food Safety Inspections Decisions in the UK

Local Authority Complaints Procedure

Every decision made by a food inspector can be appealed. According to the Food Standards Agency:

  • Every local authority must have a formal procedure to handle complaints about its service.
  • If you disagree with an inspector's action, contact the head of environmental health or trading standards services at your local authority.
  • If unresolved, escalate the issue to your local councillor.

Further Appeal Options

If dissatisfied with the local authority's complaints process, you can:

  • Contact your local government or public services ombudsman:
    • England: Local Government Ombudsman
    • Scotland: Public Services Ombudsman
    • Wales: Public Services Ombudsman
    • Northern Ireland: Ombudsman
  • Appeal to the magistrates’ court or a Sheriff in Scotland regarding:
    • Hygiene improvement notices
    • Remedial notices
    • Hygiene emergency prohibition orders
  • A ban on premises, processes, or equipment can only be lifted by the court.

Court Procedures for Hygiene Notices and Seizures

Important court procedures to note:

  • Inspectors must seek court confirmation for hygiene emergency prohibition notices within a specified period.
  • Food seized by an inspector can only be condemned as unfit for human consumption by a Justice of the Peace or a Sheriff.
  • You have the right to attend the court hearing, and if decisions are deemed improper, you may be entitled to compensation.